Starting Position: Vajrasana
Concentration: on relaxation of the body and Svadhishthana Chakra
Breath: coordinated with movement and normal breathing in the position
Repetitions: 2-3 times
Variation A: Sit in Vajrasana. The spine is straight, hands rest on the thighs. Relax the whole body and close the eyes.
> Inhaling raise the arms above the head. >Exhaling keep the back straight and slowly bend forward from the hips until the forehead touches the floor. Rest the arms beside the body. The palms face upwards.
> Breathing normally remain in this position as long as comfortable and consciously relax the whole body.
> Inhaling bring the body upright keeping the back straight and raising the arms above the head.
> Exhaling return to the starting position.
Variation B (without illustration):
> Inhaling come up onto the knees from Vajrasana with the arms raised to the front at shoulder height.
> Exhaling bend forward slowly until the forehead touches the floor. At the same time bring the arms back taking hold of the ankles.
> Breathing normally remain in this position, close the eyes and consciously relax the whole body.
> Inhaling come up onto the knees again and return the arms to the front.
> Exhaling return to the starting position.
To promote spiritual development hold the posture for approximately 5 minutes.
Benefits: Primarily this Asana improves concentration and memory. It also calms the mind and eliminates sleeping disorders and nervousness. Many lower abdominal problems are relieved, such as constipation and other digestive disorders. Variation a) with Ashvini Mudra (= repeated brief contractions of the anal muscles) dispels depression.
Caution: Avoid this Asana with high blood pressure, cerebrovascular disorders, glaucoma or dizziness.
> Exhaling return to the starting position.
Variation B (without illustration):
> Inhaling come up onto the knees from Vajrasana with the arms raised to the front at shoulder height.
> Exhaling bend forward slowly until the forehead touches the floor. At the same time bring the arms back taking hold of the ankles.
> Breathing normally remain in this position, close the eyes and consciously relax the whole body.
> Inhaling come up onto the knees again and return the arms to the front.
> Exhaling return to the starting position.
To promote spiritual development hold the posture for approximately 5 minutes.
Benefits: Primarily this Asana improves concentration and memory. It also calms the mind and eliminates sleeping disorders and nervousness. Many lower abdominal problems are relieved, such as constipation and other digestive disorders. Variation a) with Ashvini Mudra (= repeated brief contractions of the anal muscles) dispels depression.
Caution: Avoid this Asana with high blood pressure, cerebrovascular disorders, glaucoma or dizziness.